Method(Ec)ology Lab


Research that has practical applications for conservation of threatened species and for the wider profession of ecology and environmental management. Particular focus on testing or developing the evidence-base for best-practice in monitoring and mitigation methods. Part of Edinburgh Napier University’s Centre for Conservation & Restoration Science (CCRS). Researchers are:

Dr Pat White FCIEEM

Associate Professor of Applied Ecology, School of Applied Sciences and Centre for Conservation & Restoration Science, Edinburgh Napier University

Dr Mel Findlay MCIEEM

Senior Visiting Fellow, School of Applied Sciences and Centre for Conservation & Restoration Science, Edinburgh Napier University | Director, Findlay Ecology Services Ltd., UK

Stephen Dias

Visiting Fellow, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University | Research Associate, Vanasa Conservation Foundation, India

Projects and students

Mustelid monitoring and conservation

Research programme – Identification and monitoring of resting and breeding sites of Eurasian otters (read more)

Working with industry to fill knowledge gaps

Research programme – Assessing seasonality of breeding in Eurasian otters through diverse data sources (read more)

Research programme – smooth coated otter ecology and conservation in India (read more)

PhD student Barbara Macfarlane – Monitoring and mitigation for European badgers

MSc student Kate Ebel – Determining effective methods for camera trapping small mustelids

CPD, training and education

Research contributes to and gives opportunities for students on the CIEEM-accredited MSc Wildlife Biology & Conservation (on campus or distance-learning)

We deliver training courses on otter ecology, survey and camera-trapping via CIEEM or to ecological consultancies (such as WSP, SLR) with excellent feedback. Please contact us if interested in these or any bespoke training/CPD courses for your organization

Translating research findings into evidence-based guidelines

STEM outreach activities (please contact if interested in outreach)

Outreach aimed at primary school level children

Optimization, assessment and development of monitoring and mitigation methods

Commissioned research – Optimization of open-habitat bird surveys for tree planting schemes to inform DEFRA and Natural England guidance (Forestry Commission funded | report)

Commissioned research – Assessing impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution to inform DEFRA and Natural England guidance (Forestry Commission funded | report)

Research programme – Methods for modelling seasonal productivity in multi-brooded birds (read more)

Research programme – Use of robots in terrestrial ecological monitoring

Facilitating inter-disciplinary discussion between roboticists and ecologists

PhD student Mataab al Ghafri (with RZSS) – Genetic assessment and development of genomic resources for Nubian ibex conservation in Oman (Oman Government funded | paper)

MRes student Mike Thornton – Evidence-based assessment of protected area (SPA) design for Taiga bean geese (paper | BOU blog post)

MSc student Frank Zabel – Accuracy of counting red deer with UAV-mounted thermal cameras (paper)

MSc student Ben Blackledge – Using convolutional neural networks and geophones to identify large mammals from footfall

MSc student Ruth Peters-Grundy – combining and comparing close-focus camera-traps and live traps to survey small mammal communities (footage examples)

MSc student Gillian Wilson – Estimating availability bias in diving seabirds and marine mammals from aerial surveys – a systematic review (with HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd.) (poster at European Cetacean Society conference)

Project opportunities

If you are considering applying for the MSc Wildlife Biology & Conservation (on campus or distance-learning), projects in the lab will be available. For current MSc students, project briefs are available in the Research Project Prospectus on the programme Moodle site or contact us for more information

If you are interested in doing a self-funded PhD or MRes project in the lab please contact us

We have a partnership with the CREA Margay Project in Panama to study camera trapping and night vision survey methods for arboreal mammals, please contact us for more information


Email | LinkedIn | Google Scholar | YouTube

Former researchers

Research Assistant Murray Borthwick (funded by Forestry Commission)

Research Assistant Roisin McGrory (funded by Forestry Commission)


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